There was a python launcher that was created for it because back in you know a couple years ago final fantasy. And this will be the only one that pops up and just hit click it go down here click the standalone version and hit install continue install now the way that we launch the game is gonna be a little bit different i ve got a. We re go ahead and go ahead get it started obviously go to the loo trista net website. So we re running this with vanilla wine with the xvk now doesn t matter because with the xvk you re converting to directx 11 straight to vulcan and you don t you don t really need any of the staging patches for this so anyway. Staging and actually there s a patch set in wine staging that causes a like a really bad camera stutter when you move left to right. I m setting this is because it s basically the best way to run the game at this point it runs a million times better than the just vanilla wine.

I m gonna put this video out it it s basically how to set up final fantasy. Following along are instructions in the video below: Today, would like to introduce to you FFXIV + DXVK Linux Lutris Guide. it will help you have an overview and solid multi-faceted knowledge. is a channel providing useful information about learning, life, digital marketing and online courses ….

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