we would love people to continue modding Avalanche games. A lot of us came from the modding community, so there's a lot of will to help it out. " Everyone here at Avalanche loves the modding community. Needs identification (the video interview may be on the JC3 article). A game that's all about the sandbox - really in a good spot." - An unidentified developer for Just Cause 3. Quotes from game developers " The modding community has always been something spectacular in all games and any game that gets the love of the modding community is already in a good spot.
7.3 Maximizing animation and cinematic content workflows for JC4. The Superman Flying, First Person Shooter, and Island in Chaos mods have been included because of their victories in the 2010, 2011, and 2013 modding competitions. No mods from outside of our modding resource have been included (eg. This list is based on the popularity of mods (downloads, forum posts, ratings) during Q4 of 2014, and is also based on the subjective opinion of the writer. To celebrate the arrival of our new and improved modding network, here’s a list of the top 10 Just Cause 2 mods of all time. We also felt that it was a good time to upgrade, as the old website was running on very outdated software. Because of this exciting announcement, we’ve decided to expand our modding network. Recently, the developers of Just Cause 3 revealed that they will be supporting the game’s modding community, despite the fact that they won’t be able to provide official tools.
For over five years, Just Cause 2 Mods has provided the Just Cause 2 modding community with a fantastic resource designed to accommodate both modders and players by providing forums, tutorials, news, and a massive library of mods.