Sims freeplay quests in order
Sims freeplay quests in order

  • Storywise most naturally follows The Incident.
  • Can gain allegiance with either faction or remain neutral.
  • Option given to ally with Pirates or stay loyal to the Guild.
  • Requires War Effort Gauge leaning towards the Guild Consortium.
  • Legendary Trait possible (for Guild Enemy).
  • Hero may receive Admiral's Vengeance or Blacksail's Blade.
  • Option given to ally with Guild or stay loyal to Pirates.
  • Requires War Effort Gauge leaning towards the Pirates.
  • sims freeplay quests in order

  • Hero may get Knight's Plate, Watcher's Blade, Fiery Precise Scimitar, Angelsguard, Angel's Talon.
  • Hero gains Certificate of Title: Guildsman.
  • Hero gains Certificate of Title: Pirate.
  • sims freeplay quests in order sims freeplay quests in order

    The first two quests must be taken in order to start the war, then the other quests become available based on the position of the War Effort Gauge, until finally one of the 3 End the War quests finishes the conflict. The Pirates and Nobles expansion adds the following quest chain to the game which can be started from any Kingdom Ambition and is the main objective of the Peacemaker Ambition.

  • As of Patch 1.3, the 'Sacrifice' approach is bugged.
  • Will disappear after 3 quests if not taken.
  • Appears after completing Jacoban's Day Out.
  • Hero Sim may get The Monarch's Armor of Fortitude or The Monarch's Blade of Strength.
  • Will disappear after 2 quests if not taken.
  • In the case of Effenmont and Gastrobury, an alliance will not be available until a Hero purchases a nautical map from the Village and travels to the islands from the docks. The Kingdom must form an alliance with a territory in order to access its annexation quest.
  • Hero Sim may get unique item, Berserker's Sword, Defender's Mail, Lord Knight's Bulwark or Lord Knight's Lightbringer.Ĭompletion of an annexation quest grants a special benefit specific to its corresponding foreign territory.
  • Hero Sim may get Golden Lute of Euphony or Lute of the False Muse.
  • Guild Enemy does not qualify a Hero for this quest.
  • Hero Sim may unlock two sword recipes to the Forge Seraphim and Galatine or Balmung and Trenfher.Īny Hero with a Fatal Flaw excluding the Monarch.
  • Merchant gets stuck upon completion, workaround requires cheat.
  • Hero Sim get Beacon of Hope recipe, and Genie's Staff.
  • sims freeplay quests in order

  • Hero Sim may unlock Mouthwash Crafting.
  • Hero Sim ( Spy) may get Sir Boiga's Folly.
  • Hero Sim ( Monarch or Knight) may get Chinchilla Slayer Armor.
  • Hero Sim may get Sword of Smortlee Book or Smortlee Stew -or- Luffening Wine or Luffening Ale.
  • after completion, a sequel quest will become available.
  • Legendary Trait may be possible for lvl 5+ Knight.
  • Hero Sim may get Royal Longsword and a unique Knight's Plate.
  • Hero may learn recipe for Beast's Bane and Adamanthral.
  • Hero Sim may get chance to forge unique item Spiked Carapace or Longclaw.

  • Sims freeplay quests in order